Privacy Policy

DoJoin Privacy Policy Summary

Our valued users are our top priority at Dojoin. As a result, we make a concerted effort to provide personalized user convenience backed up by excellent service. This Privacy Policy applies to our platform's experience for users aged 18 and over.

The information you provide to Dojoin enables us to assist you in discovering your passion while providing you with a pleasant user experience.

Our CEO reminded us of our commitment to "to positively impact each and every person's life" and to work toward building a trusting relationship with our valued users "to build a better world today and for future generations." We do this by being transparent and informing you in a clear, prominent, and easily accessible manner about how we collect, store, and use personal information.

Our Policy outlines:

  • What Does This Privacy Policy Include
  • Why and how we collect your data
  • How Do We Collect Information and What Type Do We Collect
  • How your personal data is protected and used
  • When and with whom specifically do we share your data
  • What choices you can make about how we collect, use, and share your personal information
  • DoJoin Privacy Policy Frequently Asked Questions
  • What Does This Privacy Policy Include
  • This Policy covers how and why we collect, share, use, and protect your personal information:

within our Dojoin Operations in the United Arab Emirates, as well as on our website and mobile app where this Privacy Policy is posted. Personal information is information that identifies you or can be linked to information that identifies you in a reasonable manner. For example, when you sign up for registration, we collect personal data and information such as your full name, mobile phone number, email address.

What is Our Undertaking of Accountability?
We have designated a team of trained associates to ensure that this policy is followed. We expect everyone who handles our customers' personal information to do so correctly and in accordance with our policies.

How Do We Collect Information and What Type Do We Collect?
We collect information to help users find their tribe and to improve your experience. When you interact with our website or mobile app, we collect data from you in a variety of ways.

What Information Do We Collect?
We may collect the following types of personal information.
Not all types of information can be gathered about every user.

  • Personal identifiers, such as names and addresses,
  • device and online identifiers, as well as related information like a phone number and an email address,
  • Demographic information, such as date of birth, nationality, and age.
  • Location information, such as geo-location information

Information we receive directly from you includes:

  • information you actively share with us, such as when you create an account on our website or mobile app.
  • Information you provide us passively through technology, such as through a cookie placed on your computer when you visit our websites.
  • We also receive information from other sources to supplement our records, improve our product's personalization to you, and detect fraud in financial transactions for security purposes. Our goal is to limit the information we collect to the information needed to support our business as much as possible efficiently.

Information we receive indirectly from others You actively share information with us in various ways online. For example, you transmit information when you:

  • Make an online purchase, or other transaction, with us.
  • Create an account on our website or mobile app.
  • Use an omnichannel wish list. Participate in our contests.
  • We can conduct a transaction for an event where we collect location information;
  • Request customer service or contact us;
  • Post a review or comment on one of our social media pages, or post a rating, review, or other user-generated content on our website or mobile app;
  • Participate in a promotion or customer survey; or
  • Use features of our site and mobile app that may ask you to grant us access to the camera or microphone on your computer or mobile device (such as voice search or scanning bar codes).
  • When you engage in these activities, you may share with us different types of personal information, such as your name, email address, billing address, mobile phone number, date of birth, and payment information. You also passively provide us information in other ways through digital technology. Some of this information may be linked to you personally. This information helps our websites and mobile app work correctly and supports our customer research, marketing, and analytics efforts – our work to understand our customers' needs and provide information about our products. Here are some examples:

Browsing Information: We use our own and third-party technologies such as cookies, web beacons, and mobile device identifiers to collect information about our website and mobile services. We use these tools to provide an integrated and more personalized shopping experience to help you find relevant products.

Precise Device Location Information: We may collect information about your location when your device is set by you to provide location information.

Information We Receive from Other Sources
We receive information about you from other sources to help us correct or supplement our records; improve the quality or personalization of our products and marketing campaigns; and prevent or detect financial fraud. All credit/debit card details and personally identifiable information will not be stored, sold, shared, rented, or leased to third parties.

The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore, customers are encouraged to frequently visit these sections to be updated about the website's changes. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.

We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards.

How Do We Use Your Personal Information?
We use your personal information to provide you with services, such as personalizing our services and marketing. We also use your personal information to support our business functions, such as financial fraud prevention, marketing, and legal purposes. Some examples include:

  • To create your user account,
  • To conduct auditing and monitoring of financial transactions and engagement.
  • To conduct marketing, personalization, and third-party advertising.
  • To protect our websites, mobile apps, and businesses ' security and integrity and help prevent financial fraud.
  • To update our technical and operational functionality.
  • To conduct research and development.
  • To do the above, we combine personal and non-personal information collected online and offline, including information from third-party sources. We may transfer or share your data within our corporate family of companies and affiliates for these purposes, as permitted by the law of the land.

How Do We Share Your Personal Information Outside of Our Corporate Group of Companies?
For analytics purposes, all of the categories of personal information that we collect may have been shared with other companies, including those within our corporate group, for analytics purposes. We will not sell or rent your personal information for monetary consideration. We may share your personal information in limited circumstances, such as to conduct our business, for other suppliers to offer you and administer your use of co-branded products, in the event all or a part of our business is merged, sold, or reorganized as legally required, as described below, or with your consent. We will not share your personal information outside of our corporate group of companies, except in the following circumstances:

Service Providers
We share personal information about you with service providers that help with our business activities, including billing and refund vendors, payment card processors, marketing and advertising vendors, and companies that help us improve our service. We require our service providers to keep your personal information secure. We do not allow our service providers to use or share your personal information other than providing services on our behalf. Your personal information may be stored and processed by our service providers.

Products and Services Offered by Other Suppliers
We share personal information about you with service providers that help with our business activities, including billing and refund vendors, payment card processors, marketing and advertising vendors, and companies that help us improve our service. We require our service providers to keep your personal information secure. We do not allow our service providers to use or share your personal information other than to provide services on our behalf. Your personal information may be stored and processed by our service providers.

Legal Requirements and Protection of Our Company and Others

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
Every purchase, dispute, or claim arising out of or in connection with this website or app shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the land.

We may share your personal data in other exceptional circumstances, including situations when the law requires sharing the information. We believe sharing will help protect the safety, property, or rights of DoJoin, our customers, our associates, or other people. Examples include:

  • Protecting the health or safety of customers;
  • Addressing crimes committed on DoJoin property;
  • Identifying and managing fraud or financial risk;
  • Providing personal information to the law of the land enforcement at their written request; Business Transfers
  • If all or a part of our business is merged or sold, personal information about you could be shared with the successor business.

Advertising Related Activities
Other companies' use of cookies and other data collection technologies are subject to privacy policies, not this one. Like many companies, we may allow cookie matching with select partners. For more information about your choices related to advertising and activities, see "What are Your Choices?"

With Your Consent
In circumstances other than those described above, we will ask for your affirmative consent before sharing your personal information outside of our corporate group of companies. We will also not sell or rent your data for monetary consideration.

What are Your Choices
You have choices about the various ways we use, collect, and share your personal information. We may send you marketing materials. You can tell us your marketing email preferences. We also personalize your experience on our sites and mobile apps by showing you advertisements from Dojoin or our advertising partners tailored to your interests.

Our mobile app may use your device's location information. You can adjust your mobile device's settings at any time to control whether your device communicates this location information. We may also offer additional controls on our use of your mobile location information. We want to provide you with choices about the different ways we use, collect, or share your personal information. These choices are described below.

Marketing Preferences
When we are sending marketing communications to you, we use the following standards:

We use an opt-in standard, automated email autoresponders, phone and text messages with voice verification, and personal information with companies outside our corporate group of companies for their use in direct marketing of their products, such as sending you promotions for products. Opt-in means we will only conduct the activity with your affirmative consent.

We use an opt-out standard for marketing activities on all the digital channels. Opt-out means we may contact you but will stop upon your request.

If you contact us at, please include your full name, the types of communications you would like to receive, and your related contact information. For instance, if you would like to opt-out of mail, include your email address. Please allow sufficient time for your marketing preferences to be processed. Please know that we might still contact you for transactional or informational purposes, even if you chose to receive marketing communications from us. Some examples are: contact for customer service; billing information; invoices; reminder notices; or refunds. We may also need to contact you with questions or information regarding your order.

Interest-Based Advertising Preferences
We personalize your experience on our sites and mobile services by showing you advertisements that are tailored to your interests. For example, if you search for fishing events with us or on other websites, we may show you fishing ads as you browse the Internet. For more information about browsing information, see "Information We Directly Receive from You."

We show you advertisements related to Dojoin. We belong to ad networks that may use your browsing history to display interest-based advertisements across participating websites and mobile apps. You may also see ads for DoJoin on participating sites and mobile apps based on how you browse.

Mobile Location Settings
Some of our mobile services use your device's location information. You can adjust the location settings of your mobile device to control whether your device communicates this information. You will need to change your device's Bluetooth settings to disable Bluetooth location-related data collection altogether. See your device's instructions to learn more about these settings. Besides, we may provide you with controls on our use of your mobile location information.

Device Camera and Microphone
Some of our website and mobile app features may require access to your computer or mobile device's camera or microphone. You must give your permission before we access your device's camera or microphone. You can adjust your device settings at any time to control access to your camera or microphone. See "What Types of Information Do We Collect?" above for more information.

How Do You Access and Update Your Data?
We provide you with various ways to access or update your data, including contact and account information. We also take reasonable steps to keep your personal information accurate and complete.

You can access or update your personal information, including contact or account information, in the following ways:

If you have created an account on our website or mobile app, log into your account. Once you do, you will be able to enter and update your contact information and payment information.

Contact us through one of the ways listed in the "Who Can I Contact at Dojoin About the Privacy Policy" section at the bottom of this policy. Please include your current contact information, the information you are interested in accessing, and your requested changes. We will provide you with the personal information requested if it is reasonably available, unless it infringes on other individuals' privacy, and subject to reasonable limitations provided by the law of the land and internal procedures. Otherwise, we will describe the types of information we typically collect. We will provide access and make the changes you request or explain what actions we will take concerning the application.

Suppose you need to access your personal information about a specified service provided to you by a Dojoin business partner. In that case, we will refer you to the business partner. Please contact us via the "Who Can I Contact at Dojoin About the Privacy Policy" section below.

How Do We Secure Your Personal Data?
We know the importance of maintaining the security of our customers' personal information. We use reasonable security measures, including physical, administrative, and technical safeguards, to protect personal information.

Whether you are browsing on our website, through our mobile app, or in our group of companies, we use reasonable security measures, including physical, administrative, and technical safeguards. These measures may include physical, network, cybersecurity access controls or other protection, information security technologies and policies, and procedures to ensure the appropriate disposal of information, and training programs.

How Does DoJoin Protect the Privacy of Children Online?
Dojoin's general audience websites and mobile apps are NOT directed at children under the age of 18. They do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. For those websites and mobile apps directed at children under the age of 18, that website or mobile service will explicitly state that it collects children's information. The site will also have a separate privacy notice posted detailing the practices specific to those websites, all of which comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.